Sunday, November 4, 2012


This isn’t a typical blog post of mine where I talk about the latest things I’ve done or places I’ve been. But its still travel related and I want to write about it; and its my blog so I can write whatever I want!

When I went to South America with James and Jordan last year I learned Spanish. I started learning a couple months before we left, and I continued learning the whole 4 months we were there. I even continued learning it for about a month after we arrived home because I really wanted to finish the course. I used Pimsleur.

I learned Spanish because I wanted to maximize my enjoyment of the trip to South America, and any future trips I make to South or Central America. It worked – I had more fun because of it.

But only lately (yesterday, really) did I realize how good a decision it was to learn Spanish. After spending 4 days on Koh Tao diving, snorkeling, and recovering from the full moon party, I took the ferry back to the mainland because I wanted to go to a place called Krabi. On the ferry I met a guy named Dani from Valencia, Spain.

Dani really wants to learn English, and I really want to learn Spanish. And because of that it turned a boring 2 hour ferry ride into a great conversation that doubled as an English lesson for him and a Spanish lesson for me.

If I didn’t already have a solid basic understanding of Spanish, I wouldn’t have been able to talk to Dani at all.

Yesterday evening I arrived in Krabi at a beach called Ao Nang. When I went out I met three people from Basque. I know they have their own language, but I started speaking in Spanish and they followed suit.  Although I didn’t speak any English with them, I got the impression that their knowledge of English is very minimal.

I think they were thrilled to be able to meet someone without having to go through the challenging (and for educated westerners) embarrassing process of having to struggle through a basic conversation in English. 

Without Spanish I wouldn’t have been able to meet these people from the very unique and interesting Basque region.

Now that I have seen how richly rewarding it is to learn a second language, it got me thinking about which languages would be the most useful and fun for me to learn.

From 4 months in South America, and now nearly 3 months in Southeast Asia, I’ve found that young people in pretty much every 1st world nation learn English to the point that they can speak it fluently. The only major exceptions I can think of off the top of my head are Spain, France, and Japan. And for that reason, I plan on learning those 3 languages in that order during my life: Spanish, French, and Japanese.

On a completely off-topic note I overheard a guy from Quebec talking to some foreigners about the Quebec student strikes that happened recently. He told them that the Quebec government is very corrupt and wants to double tuition.

I couldn’t help myself; I asked the Quebec guy how much he paid in tuition last year. He said $1,200. 

$1,200!!!! For the entire year! I paid $8,000 a year in Nova Scotia, and I’ve never heard of a University in Canada charging less than $6,000 for the year.

It seems so weird to me. Do people in Quebec know that their tuition is insanely cheap, even when doubled to a measly $2,400? I’m not trying to stir up angry emotions or anything, but it just boggles my mind.

Today I’m going to a beach that is supposed to have really good rock climbing. Hopefully a post full of colourful pictures and stories will follow.


Laura Hit said...

Good plan to learn more languages! I know french, some american sign language and a (tiny!) bit of Japanese - I took one course in high school. Sounds like you have thought out the ones to learn and know with your travels you will be motivated and have opportunities to practice! And keep it up - its amazing how quickly you lose it! These experiences you are having are priceless and so glad you are enjoying your time! Travel safe and see you at Christmas!


Unknown said...

Learning diff.kinds of language is like discovering your power to communicate by heart and mind.speaking in diff. Langguages is isnt just about to communicate with other nationalties it is also a ticket to admit them to enter into your life. Keep doing it man. And good luck for your future travels..