Monday, November 19, 2012

Volcano Island

After the fun in Davao City, I spent a day and a half bussing across the middle of Mindanao, to my destination of Camiguin Island.

Camiguin Island is an active volcanic island that looks like something out of Lost. It’s beautifully covered in thick jungle and surrounded by a deep blue-coloured sea.

When I arrived on the island I learned about all the activities there are to do, and realized I was going to spend more time here than I had previously thought.

Unfortunately I started to freak out when I realized my debit card doesn’t work on the island’s banks. The people at my ecolodge where I’m staying, Enigmata are absolutely amazing, and have agreed to let me pay them via paypal on the internet later. Thanks guys!

On my first day here I hiked up a small volcano for a pleasant view, and then visited a 75 metre waterfall that was reached after a long, steep ascent into the jungle.

Both yesterday and today were spent snorkeling at a few of the island’s excellent spots.

Yesterday I went with the ecolodge people to a small white-sand island not too far away from Camiguin Island. We took bangkas (boats) there, which was an adventure in itself. I spent a few glorious hours snorkeling along a long ledge that is covered in coral. I saw lots of big fish, and one really big school of big fish!

Today I went to a second spot that was highly recommended because of the giant clams.

The snorkeling with giant clams was equally amazing because the coral was even more varied and sea life was in plenty of abundance.

I’m appalled at how decimated the natural environment is in Southeast Asia, both on land and in the water. However, it is really exciting to see the progress that has been made in small projects such as the giant clam preservation/rehabilitation area that I snorkeled at today. The locals are also very excited about the project, and hope to reintroduce giant clams to the seas around the rest of the island. I hope they succeed!

Camiguin Island has plenty of my beloved jeepneys chugging around the narrow roads. I am still thrilled to ride in the back of these hilariously decorated vehicles.

Tomorrow I am moving on to Surigao, a highly rated surf spot that is an 8 hour bus journey away. If I like it, I may stay there a while. Blog post to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just got all caught up on your blog, sounds like you're having a fantastic time! Yesterday I received the birthday postcard you sent from Sumatra on October 8, it sure took a long time to get here.

All the fun things you're doing makes me wish I had stayed longer and seen more of these places! Can't wait to see more pictures at Christmas.
